
Running OpenMusic on Debian GNU/Linux

Recently, I have been asked to try to get OpenMusic running on Linux. So far, IRCAM provides only versions for Windows and Mac OS X. Ok. OpenMusic is GPL licensed and the source code is availlable from their download page. I downloaded it, ignoring the sufficiently large list of dependencies – I can return to this topic later.



Compiling LeoCAD on Debian or Ubuntu

Though LeoCAD could be availlable in Debian soon, I wanted to install it now.

Compiling LeoCAD on Debian based systems as Ubuntu is easy as described on The official Wiki page. But there are some easy steps missing.

Lets. start: Open a shell window (xterm, Terminal, rxvt).

At first we need some software and libraries:

sudo apt-get install subversion libgtk2.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev
