
The current website is a collection of things that can occur in an internet live: A personal home page.


In the last weeks I worked on the upgrade of the content management system that runs this home page. The new system has been set online today. The most important changes include a new software and a new logo. Like always there are things that I'd like to improve. However, these are not on the highest position of my list.


Hibernate on Debian with LVM ond LUKS

For some time I was looking for a solution to a strange problem:

My Laptop has an encrypted partition which contains two logical volumes: root and swap. According to the well-known practice I added the parameter resume=/path/to/swap to /etc/default/grub. Suspend worked, but the system did not resume. Even dmesg did not give any useful information. Actully it did not report that it tried to resume from somewhere. Some time passed reading lots of websites about setting up LVM on LUKS using kernel parameters without notable success.

Debuging errors in startup code in Linux

Recently I got a Korg M1. When you have a synthesizer like that you want to have a good librarian that helps you organizing your sounds, have a big sound library and so on. A quick research brought nothing helpful. So I decieded to give Ctrlr a try. The downloaded Linux version did not work as I have newer binutils installed and libbfd has no stable ABI.

Colours of wxWidgets

wxWidgets provides a global colour database (wxTheColourDatabase). Unfortunately the documentation doesn't show the colors for an easy selection. The following code extracts the definitions from wx/common/gdicmn.cpp and converts them into HTML:

sed -e 's;^\s*{wxT("\([^"]*\)"),\([^\}]*\)\},?;<span style="color: rgb(\2)">\1</span><br />;' gdicmn.cpp |grep '<span' > colors.html

Enable logging in Jabref

Recently, I started to fix some issues in the Bibsonomy JabRef plugin. As debugging is not possible if you don't get any information about what's going on, I tried to enable logging. According to the Bibsonomy website the plugin uses Log4J for logging. But I was unable to change the console output of JabRef. I simply didn't accept my log4j.properties.

Running OpenMusic on Debian GNU/Linux

Recently, I have been asked to try to get OpenMusic running on Linux. So far, IRCAM provides only versions for Windows and Mac OS X. Ok. OpenMusic is GPL licensed and the source code is availlable from their download page. I downloaded it, ignoring the sufficiently large list of dependencies – I can return to this topic later.



Compiling LeoCAD on Debian or Ubuntu

Though LeoCAD could be availlable in Debian soon, I wanted to install it now.

Compiling LeoCAD on Debian based systems as Ubuntu is easy as described on The official Wiki page. But there are some easy steps missing.

Lets. start: Open a shell window (xterm, Terminal, rxvt).

At first we need some software and libraries:

sudo apt-get install subversion libgtk2.0-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev


Some notes to wxWidgets

Well, today I've solved some problems using wxWidgets for Mutabor.

The first one was, that my focus changes are not shown on Microsoft Windows. The reason is simple: Microsoft Windows does not allow to change the border of a window. Even if it is a child of another one! So, I changed the corresponding drawing routines to draw a border on wxMSW when the corresponding shape is focused.

Spruch des Tages

Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more?

Psalm 77, KJV


Probe (normalerweise)
Einsteinstraße 2, 01069 Dresden, Deutschland
Heilandskirche Dresden-Cotta, Gemeindesaal
Probe (normalerweise)
Einsteinstraße 2, 01069 Dresden, Deutschland
Heilandskirche Dresden-Cotta, Gemeindesaal
Probe (normalerweise)
Einsteinstraße 2, 01069 Dresden, Deutschland